Saturday, September 10, 2011

Workplace Safety and Health (Scaffold) Regulations 2011 - Part V (Suspended Scaffold)

42.—(1) Responsible person to ensure that no suspended scaffold is erected or installed unless —
(a) the outriggers or other supports are —
(i) of adequate length and strength;
(ii) properly installed and supported;
(iii) securely fixed to a building, ship or other structure by anchor bolts or other similar means, or where such fixing is not reasonably practicable, adequately and securely anchored at the inner ends; and
(iv) subject to paragraph (2), provided with rope guards of adequate strength at the outer ends to prevent the ropes from being displaced from the outriggers;
(b) the points of suspension are at adequate horizontal distances from the building face, the hull of the ship or any other structure;
(c) the suspension ropes are —
(i) of galvanised wire ropes;
(ii) of sound material, good construction and adequate strength, and free from patent defects;
(iii) securely attached to the outriggers or other supports and, if winch drums are used, to the winch drums; and
(iv) of such length that the platform is capable of being lowered to the ground or floor, and in the case of winches, that there are at least 2 turns of the rope remaining on each winch drum;
(d) the platform is —
(i) at least 500mm and not more than 750mm in width unless measures have been taken to prevent transverse tilting of the platform; and
(ii) so arranged or secured that, at each working position, the edge of the platform is as close as practicable to the work area and the distance between the platform and the work area is not more than 460mm; and
(e) boards, planks or decking used as platforms shall be capable of supporting a load of 670 kgf/sq m with due regard to the spacing of the supports.
(2) Paragraph (1)(a)(iv) shall not apply when the primary suspension wire ropes are suspended from the outer end of the outriggers or other supports by means which preclude the displacement of the wire rope from its point of suspension.
(3) Duty of the employer / principal of any person who uses or is to use any suspended scaffold to ensure that no person shall enter or leave the cradle of a suspended scaffold unless it is at rest on the ground or at any level which affords a safe means of access or egress.

Suspended scaffolds raised or lowered by climbers, winches or powered device
43.—(1) Responsible person to ensure that the requirements of paragraphs (2) to (7) and (9) are complied with.
(2) No suspended scaffold that is raised or lowered by climbers, winches or any powered device shall be erected or installed unless —
(a) the suspended scaffold has been designed and constructed in accordance with a standard or code acceptable to the Commissioner;
(b) the climbers, winches or device is properly maintained;
(c) the climbers, winches or device is opened for inspection and servicing at least once in every 12 months to ensure that the drive mechanisms are in safe working order; and
(d) records of such inspection and servicing are kept for each climber, winch and device.
(3) The outriggers or overhead supports shall be spaced not more than 3.2m apart measured from the longitudinal centre line of one outrigger or support to such centre line of the adjacent outrigger or support, unless the prior approval in writing of the Commissioner has been obtained.
(4) Wire ropes used to suspend the work platform shall be vertical and taut.
(5) The climbers, winches or device shall be synchronised so that the work platform of the suspended scaffold is maintained level at all times.
(6) In the case of a suspended scaffold manufactured outside Singapore, the design of the suspended scaffold shall be certified by a professional engineer or a third-party inspection agency approved in writing by the Commissioner.
(7) Where the work platform of a suspended scaffold is supported by wire ropes, the outriggers or other overhead supports for the suspended scaffold shall be constructed in accordance with the design and drawings of a professional engineer.
(8) Professional engineer who designs any outrigger or overhead support for the suspended scaffold to —
(a) take such measures to ensure that his design can be executed safely by any person who constructs or uses the outrigger or other overhead support for the suspended scaffold according to his design; and
(b) provide to any person who constructs or is to construct the outrigger or other overhead support for the suspended scaffold, all design documentation (including all relevant
calculations, drawings and construction procedures) as is necessary to facilitate the proper construction of the outrigger or other overhead support for the suspended scaffold according to his design.
(9) Where a suspended scaffold has been re-positioned or shifted from one location to another within the same workplace, the suspended scaffold and its attachments shall be erected or installed in accordance with the design and drawings certified by the professional engineer.
(10) It shall be the duty of the occupier of a workplace in which a suspended scaffold is erected or installed to ensure that no suspended scaffold referred to in paragraph (7) shall be used unless the design and drawings certified by the professional engineer are kept available at
the workplace for inspection by an inspector.
(11) Any person who contravenes paragraph (10) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000.

Safety device for suspended scaffolds
44.—(1) Responsible person to ensure that the requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3) are complied with.
(2) Subject to paragraph (4), every suspended scaffold in a workplace that is raised or lowered by climbers, winches or a powered device shall be provided at each suspension point with a safety rope with an automatic safety device mounted on it.
(3) The safety rope with the automatic safety device referred to in paragraph (2) shall be capable of supporting the platform in the event of a failure of the primary suspension rope, winch, climber or any part of the device or mechanism used for raising or lowering the suspended scaffold.
(4) Paragraph (2) shall not apply if —
(a) the platform is supported on 2 independent suspension wire ropes at or near each end such that, in the event of a failure of one suspension wire rope, the other wire rope is capable
of sustaining the weight of the platform and its load and preventing it from tilting; or
(b) a system is incorporated which operates automatically to support the platform and its load in the event of a failure of the primary suspension rope.

Prohibition of overloading of suspended scaffolds
45. Occupier of a workplace in which a suspended scaffold is erected or installed to ensure that the suspended scaffold shall not at any time be loaded beyond the safe working load except in a test in the presence of an inspector or authorised examiner.

Suspended scaffolds counter-balanced by counter-weights
46.—(1) Responsible person to ensure that the requirements of paragraphs (2) to (5) are complied with.
(2) In relation to a scaffold in a workplace, water or other liquids, earth, clay, sand, chippings or other aggregates shall not be used as counter-weights.
(3) Every portable counter-weight shall have its weight permanently and distinctly stamped, engraved or embossed thereon.
(4) Every counter-weight shall be securely attached at the inner end of the outriggers to prevent any accidental displacement or tampering by any person.
(5) The counter-balancing weight on any outrigger shall not be less than 3 times the weight necessary to balance the load on the projecting part of the outrigger when the suspended scaffold is fully loaded.

Prevention of sway
47. Responsible person to ensure that the work platform of a suspended scaffold shall be securely fastened to the building or other structure in such a manner and at such intervals as to prevent the platform from swaying.

Age limit of operator
48. Duty of the employer / principal under whose direction any person uses or is to
use any suspended scaffold in a workplace, to ensure that no person below the age of 18 years operates a climber, winch, powered device or mechanism used for raising or lowering a suspended scaffold.

PPE for users of suspended scaffolds
49.—(1) Duty of the employer / principal to provide to the person —
(i) a safety harness attached with a shock absorbing device; and
(ii) sufficient and secured anchorage by means of an independent life line or other equally effective means.
(2) Duty of the person who uses any suspended scaffold to use the safety harness attached with a shock absorbing device provided to him.
(3) Any person who contravenes paragraph (2) shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000 and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding $2,000.

Notice to be displayed in suspended scaffolds
50.—(1) It shall be the duty of the responsible person to prominently display a notice in the cradle of a suspended scaffold in a workplace that is in a form readily understood by any person —
(a) stating the safe working load of the suspended scaffold;
(b) stating the maximum number of persons allowed to be in the suspended scaffold; and
(c) reminding the person to attach his safety harness to a secured anchorage at all times.
(2) Occupier of the workplace to ensure that the notice referred to in paragraph (1) is displayed at all times until the suspended scaffold is dismantled.

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