--> Telecast on Channel News Asia:
This site is dedicated for workplace safety and health issues in Singapore. I will try to keep updated laws and applicable news on workplace safety and health in Singapore. I have simplified some of the arrangements for simplicity. Please refer to the actual Regulations for original context.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Spyros Explosion
Telecast on Channel News Asia:
12 October 1978, oil tanker ST Spyros exploded with more than a hundred workers onboard. It was an unprecedented crisis, and rescue services fought to save the stricken workers. In its aftermath, investigators uncovered how the fire started and why – and they would find shocking revelations.
12 October 1978, oil tanker ST Spyros exploded with more than a hundred workers onboard. It was an unprecedented crisis, and rescue services fought to save the stricken workers. In its aftermath, investigators uncovered how the fire started and why – and they would find shocking revelations.